電 話:0851—84123149
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手 機:13037855222
聯 系 人:張經理
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地 址:貴州省貴陽市觀山湖區西二環235號貴陽北站片區北大資源項目第3A01-3A03,3S01號樓(A01)1單元7層18號
What is the problem that Guizhou elevator sales company should think about now?
Now entrepreneurs want to think about what their core competencies are, and what they are based on in the market competition. There is a Chinese proverb, "there is no diamond, no porcelain," what is your "diamond diamond", to make it clear. This diamond diamond can be irreplaceable in the market.
What we want to think about is not to make a big business, but to do it. In the market at least for a period of time, it is irreplaceable. The enterprise not only obtains the order, but more important is to obtain the pricing ability.
Because of my irreplaceable, you can only buy from me, you get the ability to price. Once the pricing power is obtained, it is not afraid to increase the cost, and the increase in cost can be transferred to the end user. Even if my end user is not happy, but can not, in the market he can not find better suppliers than me.
The purpose of the core competitiveness is the ability to price. In the case of rising costs, I can transfer some of the cost increase to end users. Pricing power can protect gross margins, allowing me to survive in this competitive environment and seek development.
At present, when our economic situation is changing, enterprises should think about what my core competitiveness is, how to build business models around core competitiveness and get a unique position in the market. The same way the elevator industry is!